Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for hookup safety.

If it is your intention to meet someone for the sole purpose of having sex or any other purpose, there are some special considerations to be aware of:
o    Make the major decisions before you meet. What will sex be like? Will you be using protection? Where will the hook-up occur?
o    If at all possible, meet in a public place first. Make sure you feel comfortable with the person and that they are what they purported to be.
o    Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable, leave.
o    If you’re not able to meet in a public place, do not open your door if you see more than one person outside, even if they tell you they came along for the fun. Do not put yourself in a position to be outnumbered by people you’ve never met before. Always ask the escort to go wait at an eatery close by or somewhere else
If you are going back to their place:
o    Follow him/her in your car or any other car available. Always make note of the route you took to get there. Having a pad of paper and a pencil in your car helps.
o    Make note of the make/model and license plate of their car.
o    Call someone when you arrive and give him/her the address of where you are and/or leave it on your answering machine.
o    Leave your valuables in your car or at home or with an escort. Do not take in your wallet, watch, rings, etc.
o    Once inside the home, look around. Make note of the exits. Always place yourself between the person and the exits, if possible.
o    Do not eat any food or drink anything while you’re at their place. You will no longer be in control if they slip something into your food or drink.
o    Pay attention to whether or not the deadbolt is locked via key or turn of the lock. If by the key, pay attention to where the key is.

If you are going back to your place:
o    Prior to having him/her over, remove all valuables from plain sight. Do not leave watches, jewelry, money, and/or expensive items lying around.
o    Have him/her follow you in their car or any other car available.
o    Make note of the make/model and license plate of their car.
o    When you arrive, ask him/her to leave unnecessary items in the car or at home or with an escort. If they bring a duffle bag, ask to see inside before you let them enter your home.
o    Do not dead bolt yourself inside.
o    Again, do not eat any food or drink while they’re at your place.
o    Have a telephone in plain sight and make sure it is fully charged.
o    Be aware of your exits.

Even if you think you’re safer in a public place, you still may be victimized. If you do choose to have sex in a public place, try not to isolate yourself with your sex-partner so far away from others that you cannot call for help if needed. Tell a friend where you are going and how long you plan to be gone, even if you don’t tell the friend what you will be doing. Always put everything into consideration before making any move.


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