Start a new thing is the most difficult task for some people,while for some others it is the most enjoyable task..following these steps would ensure your success and they are as follows:

1] Organise your basic business administration functions:
You need a bank account, business address, service rate card and business name... but for start up personal bank account and house address could be used at the early stages.

2] Determine your niche:
what are you selling and to whom? start by using skills that you already have, such as writing, web design and graphic arts. seek out familiar industries.

3] Make a marketing plan:
Write down your business objective:

4] Make a list of your potential market

5] Advertise your marketing business online

6] Link all of your personal social media such as facebook, twitter and linkedin to your new blog,web page or online information.

7] Market your business constantly :
Every email you send should have information about your new marketing business in the form of a web address, slogan, or similar at the bottom also at events, meetings and through contact cards and jersey.

8] Get referrals:
Once you have a client or a lead, ask them to tell others about you.


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