what are challenges and their effect on a start up business?

In business as well as in life challenges are obstacles that you encounter along the way to your desired better future.we all are faced with challenges constantly in every areas of our lives. most people have a hard time accepting and dealing with these challenges that arise.the truth is that you will have to deal with difficult problems throughout your life time,whether it is in your personal life or in business.most of us get really afraid and run away from problems because we don't want to accept reality the way it is,running away from your problems is the worst thing you can do to deal with the challenges you are faced with.

Challenges could either be permanent or temporary depending on the situation you are faced with,as a person and a businessman i personally tell people that the determining factor of whether a challenge is either permanent or temporary is solely dependent on the person involved i.e on how the person chooses to handle it,which is also a factor of how the person views the said challenge in the first place and also how you view it is in direct relation to the state of your mind(the mind capacity you have built overtime).i can't boldly say of myself that am an over comer of challenges because of a truth i have fallen to many in both life and business,but i would say this of myself that i try to learn from each one of them believing that there still remains one more thing to try...ONE MORE FIGHT TO FIGHT..because of a truth "every question surely has an answer"..and our duty is to find it.

I leave you with this last words...nothing can stop you in life and business except as you permit,whatever the nature of the challenges are your ability to see them for what they really are determines how far you will go in life and in business,and of a truth challenges are stepping stone to your better future..the longer you work on the challenges are the better your results would be.


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